I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for the Idaho House of Representatives, Legislative District 34, seat A, in the Republican Primary, May 15th, against Ron Nate. I am a fifth generation, lifelong resident of Madison County and a conservative Republican.
I love the people of East Idaho and the favorable surroundings we enjoy. This is a great place to live and because of that, Melissa and I chose to stay here and raise our five children. Of course, she being a Southern gal would probably say, I was too stubborn to move out of Idaho to get a better paying job, and she’d be right. But you know there’s a saying if you marry someone from Idaho you’ll live in Idaho. At the end of this month, we will be celebrating 34 years of marriage.
Those 34 years have been filled with joy, happiness, love, trials, fun, successes, some sadness and other experiences you have while struggling to raise a family and make a living. We are happy together and the people and the experiences we’ve had in East Idaho are interwoven into the fabric of who I am.
I was raised in a proactive political family and I firmly believe in Idaho Republican principles – such as freedom of speech, religious freedom, limited government, low taxes, free enterprise and local control.
About six years ago I became a precinct leader with the Madison County Republicans. I was alarmed when I found out in 2012 that some delegates pledged to Mitt Romney ended up casting their votes for Ron Paul at the Republican National Convention. From that time on I have watched the Ron Paul Libertarian movement infiltrate into the Idaho Republican Party and try to take control here.
My opponent is the face of that far-right movement in the Legislature and he hands much of his vote to a Boise-based special interest group. Because of that, we have lost most of our local representation.
That was my wake up call. I love OUR Idaho and OUR Republican Party too much to just stand by and let this fringe group takeover.
I am active in the local and state party and currently serving as chairman of the Madison County Republican Central Committee. I have been standing up against the far right agenda.
And now I am calling on the Idaho Republicans in Madison and Bonneville County who love Idaho and our party, to stand with me as true Republicans and push the far right agenda back to the Libertarian party where it belongs.
If you want to get our representation back and are tired of the bullying, name calling, secret recordings, and soap opera drama, then together we can put a stop to it – starting in Legislative District 34 with your vote.
I will be a champion for Republican Principles and our Local Values. I will work with community and business leaders, individuals and other Legislators to focus on making Eastern Idaho’s Economy and Education better so both young and old and families can stay in Idaho and have a livable income. We need to stop shipping our most valuable resource, our children, out of state.
I will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States and Idaho’s Constitution. I will fight against Federal Government overreach on Idahoans and protect our state sovereign rights. I will be a conservative voice and fight to keep taxes low.
Stand with me to restore the representation guaranteed us by the U.S. Constitution and help me get our voice back. Together we will make Bonneville & Madison Counties better.
We’ve given my opponent’s “Principles” a try and find them unfavorable.
So now it’s time for a change.
It’s time to elect new leadership – someone who will represent our interests and values.
It’s time to repeal and replace “Ron Nate”, with a
True Idaho Republican
It’s time to send me, Doug Ricks to the Idaho House of Representatives, Legislative District 34, seat A. I will get our vote back and stay focused on representing the good people of Eastern Idaho.
Your Vote is needed to make this happen and it will make a difference.
I need your Vote in the May 15th, Republican Primary.